long pillar outlined with ears on each side
reach listen advise cheer


for just being present

Presence can often speak louder than any words or actions could. Being there to listen when someone is going through a problem, has a lot on their mind, or just wants to talk requires patience and willingness to hear someone out.

Those who prefer listen as their pillar of support just want to be heard. Whatever they are thinking and feeling, they appreciate when someone takes the time out of their day to listen...genuinely.

how others listen

Allowing someone to rant without interrupting them, so they can get everything they need to off their chest.
Eating a meal with a friend or listening to them in a relaxed environment to make them feel comfortable.
Rembering items someone mentions they like as potential gifts in the future.
Trying not to read one's mind/assume what someone is feeling
Dedicating a Google Calendar to loved ones birthdays
Using the 'notes' section on my phone's contact section to keep track of people's preferences