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moral support for you and me

No matter how independent or strong we may look and act, everyone needs moral support. It's what helps us build meaningful relationships and what makes us human. We express and receive this support in different ways and it's important to be aware of these in order to best provide for the people around us.

This project hopes to categorize moral support into four core pillars and urges you and your loved ones to learn about them and determine what form of support most resonates with you. What forms of support do you want to receive? What do you tend to give?

why pillars?
Pillars, in their physical state, function as a solid foundation used to hold up the structures they support. One can also think back to younger days when we were taught about the pillars of character or religion that serve as core values to live by. When considering these meanings together, pillars encompass the idea of moral support both in terms of the strength and stability required for it, as well as the foundational categories that define different ways we show our care.